
Delivery Suggestions for WODM

In order to establish a new Business Rule Management System (BRMS), there has to be detailed steps involved with Installation, Testing and Integration of the BRMS with application server environment. This Business Rule Management System delivery approach should be broken down in four phases. Those four phases of break down are listed as follows:

Delivery Suggestions for WODM
  • First breakdown occurs when installation of Decision Server (i.e. Rule Designer and Rule Execution Server) on IT developer and Architect’s personal machines.
  • Second one can be at the installation of Decision Server (i.e. Rule Execution Server) on DEV/QA boxes and rules exposed as a service to be consumed by other services.
  • Next breakdown may appear during the installation of Decision Center (i.e. Rule Team Server) on DEV/QA boxes in order to rule reviewers and business users to change rules on the fly.
  • Final one can be seen when replicating QA installations of Decision Server and Decision Center on prod boxes.
Note: Decision Center prod install is optional based on your organization’s governance policies.

The above mentioned phases of breakdown in which a WODM-ILOG based solution is delivered, ensures that first the rule solution has been integrated within the SOA enterprise before the rules are exposed for being edited by the business. This breakdown also ensures if any leaks and gaps are present they get detected in the first three phases rather than breaking the system and causing damages on production when business users make a change on the fly. The above breakdown also takes into consideration the learning curve associated with making business users comfortable with changing business rules.
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